During helicopter slung-load flight, the main flight quality modes include: phugoid, Dutch roll, longitude and latitude slung-load oscillation. 直升机机外吊挂飞行过程中,体现飞行品质的运动模态主要为荷兰滚模态、纵向浮沉振荡模态,以及吊挂物横向、纵向振荡模态。
The approximate transfer functions of aircraft energy height to windshear field are used to study the dynamic characteristics of aircraft in the worst phugoid oscillation excitation windshear field, and then the dangerous windshear caution threshold for the windshear detecting and warning system is determined. 利用风切变场中飞机近似的能量高度传递函数研究了飞机在激发其沉浮振荡的最严重风切变场中的动态特性;确立了适用于机载风切变探测告警系统的风切变危险通报的阈值。